The Foundation

Maria's Birthday Wishes for the Homeless is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that brings acknowledgment, self-worth, hope, and smiles to our often forgotten population of homeless on their birthdays. Through the simple gesture of delivering cupcakes, we look to acknowledge and feed the spirit of shelter residents on their special day.

The proceeds of TUTTI’S ADVENTURE IN CUPCAKE LAND publication will enable this organization to keep going with their mission.
“Giving is living”

Tutti’s Adventure in Cupcake Land

About the Book

Tutti’s Adventure in Cupcake Land is a children’s book that illustrates how kindness is the greatest gift you can give in this lifetime.

Meet Tutti

The leader of the team, all dressed to impress in white velvety cream. It doesn’t matter who you are — you can always be kind.

Buy the Book for $12.95

Get your own copy & learn a lesson in kindness! To purchase please call: (239) 450-4066 or E-mail us: